Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The story...

I am putting the story together...
A first english draft is available here.

Videos will be available soon...

Une première édition de la version française du voyage est disponible ici.

Bientôt, les videos seront disponibles...

Saturday, May 21, 2011


We made it back to Oyster Point. We left Drakes Bay at 6 am this morning, and it was all downhill.
We docked the boat at the guest dock at 2pm, the guys of the harbor gave us a hand, it was blowing between 6 and 7 Beaufort. No doubt, we're back!

Nous voila revenus a Oyster Point.
On a quitte Drakes Bay ce matin a 6 heures, ca a ete tout seul.
On a amarre le bateau au ponton visiteurs a 14:00, les gars du port nous ont file un coup de main, ca soufflait entre 6 et 7 Beaufort. Pas de doute, on est de retour!
At 5/21/2011 11:09 PM (utc) our position was 37°39.81'N 122°22.68'W

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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Drakes Bay

We made it to Drakes Bay, near Point Reyes.
We anchored at 13:20, this is so relaxing! 26 days since Honolulu.
We restarted the heater, on a small tank. This is so cool!

On est arrive a Drakes Bay, pres de Point Reyes.
On a mouille a 13:20, qu'est ce que c'est bien! 26 jours depuis Honolulu.
On a redemarre le chauffage, sur un petit jerrycan. C'est trop cool!
At 5/19/2011 2:57 AM (utc) our position was 38°16.39'N 124°37.25'W

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Super night/Super nuit

We had a fast and nice last evening, first only with the staysail, and then with the main with 2 reefs.
This morning at 8:30, we are at about 140 miles from the light ship.

On a eu une jolie nuit hier soir, on a bien marche, d'abord avec seulement la trinquette, puis avec la grand voile a deux ris. Ce matin a 8:30, on est a peu pres a 140 milles du bateau feu de SF.
At 5/18/2011 2:56 AM (utc) our position was 38°29.77'N 126°55.90'W

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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

En route!!

After 8 hours heaving to, we are now back on track.
We were stuck in no wind last night - unbelievable - but now, we have a good 6 Beaufort from NW.

Apres 8 heures a la cape, on est a nouveau en route.
On s'est fait empetoller la nuit derniere - incroyable - mais maintenant, on a un bon 6Beaufort de noroit.
At 5/17/2011 9:17 PM (utc) our position was 38°34.86'N 127°35.83'W

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Heaving to/A la cape

Another low pressure is in our way.
We dropped the staysail this morning, we're now heaving to, bare pole.
We should be back en route this afternoon.
All is OK on board.

On a une autre depression en travers de la route.
On a affale la trinquette ce matin, on est maintenant a la cape seche.
On devrait pouvoir remettre en route cet apres midi.
Tout va bien a bord.
At 5/16/2011 12:00 AM (utc) our position was 38°36.73'N 129°24.64'W

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Gale/Coup de vent

A Gale last night, not anticipated by the GRIB.
All is OK for now, we're heading east.

Coup de vent la nuit derniere, pas prevu par les GRIB.
Tout va bien pour l'instant, on fait de l'est.
At 5/15/2011 4:08 PM (utc) our position was 38°43.41'N 130°04.57'W

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ridge and trough/Dorsale et talweg

Good day yesterday, we left the ridge.
Today, we are reaching a trough, that generates squalls and all kind of nasty winds...
Anyway, we keep progressing.

Bonne journee hier, on a quitte cette dorsale.
Aujourd'hui, on atteind un talweg, qui nous genere des grains et du vent a la con.
Ca fait rien, on continue a progresser!

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Friday, May 13, 2011

What a night/Quelle nuit

The night was crazy, squalls, big short swell, the wind all over the place. We gibed a couple of times, and then decided to stay on port tack, 120 degrees from the apparent wind.
The conditions improved a bit this morning, the swell dropped a bit, and we are on the route!

La nuit a ete dingue, grosse houle courte, le vent dans tous les sens. On a empanne plusieurs fois, puis on a decide de rester babord amure, a 120 degres du vent appparent.
Les conditions se sont ameliorees ce matin, la houle est un peu tombee, et on est sur la route!

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Another slow day/Encore a lambiner

Another slow day, trying to make some east.
There is some swell, from the NW.
Hopefully, we'll reach the North flow soon.

Encore une journee a lambiner, a essayer de faire de l'est.
Il y a de la houle, de NW.
On espere atteindre le flux de nord bientot.

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wind is back/Le vent revient

We've crossed this ridge last night, really not much wind, quite painful.
Anyway! The wind is now back, and we're heading for the west coast at 6 knots!

On a traverse cette dorsale la nuit derniere, vraiment pas beaucoup de vent, penible.
Ca fait rien! Le vent est de retour, et on se dirige vers la cote ouest a 6 noeuds!

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Still progressing/Toujours en route

Good day yesterday, more unstable today, we're dealing with some kind of spin-off the high pressure we've been crossing..., that should be better tomorrow.

Bonne journee hier, plus instable aujourdh'hui, on a affaire a une sorte de bulle issue de l'anticyclone qu'on a traverse..., ca devrait aller mieux demain.

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Still progressing/Toujours en route

Good day yesterday, more unstable today, we're dealing with some kind of spin-off the high pressure we've been crossing..., that should be better tomorrow.

Bonne journee hier, plus instable aujourdh'hui, on a affaire a une sorte de bulle issue de l'anticyclone qu'on a traverse..., ca devrait aller mieux demain.

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Eastward/A l'est

We're heading east, in some seas.
The wind picked up this morning, and it is supposed to shift right tonight, easing a bit. It should come back north after that.
We now have less than 1000 miles to go for the SF Bay.

On fait de l'est, dans de la mer.
Le vent est monte ce matin, et il doit tourner a droite cette nuit, en molissant. Il devrait revenir au nord apres ca.
On a maintenant moins de 1000 milles a faire pour la baie de SF.

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Going East/Faire de l'est

We're now aiming east.
The weather is much colder, we've got the sweaters back pn.

On vise l'est.
Le temps est bien plus froid, on a ressorti les pulls.

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Light wind last night and today, but nice weather.
We're still heading north, to get this west wind current that will take us to the US west coast.

Vent leger la nuit derniere et aujourd'hui, mais beau temps.
On continue de faire du nord, pour attraper ce flux d'ouest, qui nous menera sur la cote ouest.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Overcast/Ciel couvert

Overcast skies, gray weather, tropics seem to be over!
Still progressing the right way.

Ciel couvert, temps gris, ca a l'air d'etre fini, les tropiques!
On continue de progresser dans la bonne direction.

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We crossed yesterday at about 1:30pm the convergence zone between the two high pressures we were dealing with since the start.
Now, we have this south-east current, bringing us good wind. We made good progression last night.

On a traverse hier vers 13:30 la zone de convergence entre les deux anticyclones avec lesquels on joue a cache-cache depuis le debut.
Maintenant, on a ce flux de sud-est, on a un bon vent. On a bien avance la nuit derniere.

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