Sunday, October 17, 2010

At last!/Enfin!

The ITCZ is behind us! That's the good news. The other news is that we are heading in 30 knots of wind. We've put the dodger on, to keep the crew happy :)
Anyway, last night was a real big mess.

Le front inter tropical est derriere nous! Ca c'est la bonne nouvelle, l'autre nouvelle, c'est qu'on est au pres dans 30 noeuds de vent. On a mis le dodger, pour que l'equipage soit content :o)
N'empeche, la nuit derniere etait un vrai bordel.

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Janis Couvreux said...

And people always think that sailing in the tropics is pure paradise...

Janis Couvreux said...

Eh, dis-donc! Es-tu sur de ta position???? Cela me semble un peu errone qq part, non?

Oliv said...

Position should be fixed.