Monday, February 28, 2011

Sapo Kiribati

We left Christmas this morning at 11, going North, targeting Hawaii.
There is some south in the wind, which is good for us.
As usual, we're having some short swell, the boat is being shaked, but that's OK, we're progressing on the route!

On a quitte Christmas ce matin a 11 heures, en direction du Nord, on vise Hawaii.
Il y a du sud dans le vent, c'est bon pour nous.
Comme d'habitude, il y a une houle courte, on se fait secouer, mais ca va, on progresse sur la route!

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Friday, February 18, 2011


We are anchored outside the Kiritimati lagoon (pronounce Kiritimassss), near the London village.
The water is clear, there is a radio station right on the beach.
The atoll seems very big.
The last day was very nice, sunny and everything, and the swell had dropped a bit.
Once again, we were early in the morning, we tacked two long 10 mile legs before approaching the anchorage.

On est mouille en dehors du lagon de Kiritimati (prononcer Kiritimassss), pres du village de London.
L'eau est claire, il y a une station de radio juste sur la plage.
L'atoll a l'air tres grand.
Le dernier jour etait tres bien, avec du soleil et tout et tout, et la houle etait tombee.
Une fois de plus, on etait en avance le matin, on a tire deux grands bords de 10 milles avant d'approcher le mouillage.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Polaris/La polaire

Polaris is back in the sky, we crossed the line again this morning around 4am.
About 100 miles to go for Kiritimati, we hope to arrive there tomorrow.

La Polaire est a nouveau dans le ciel, on a repasse la ligne ce matin vers 4 heures.
Encore environ 100 milles pour Kiritimati, on espere arriver demain.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Windy night/Du vent cette nuit

Windy last night, a good steady 6 Beaufort, from the east. We came up a bit, to make sure not to miss Kiritimati, and there is about 1 knot of current, taking us in the South-South-West, not exactly our route...
We begun the night with 2 reefs in the main, staysail and yankee, then mizzen, staysail, yankee, then one reef in the mizzen, staysail, yankee, and at the end, only the two jibs, staysail and yankee.
The main is back up with its 2 reefs in this morning.

Il y a eu du vent la nuit derniere, un bon 6 etabli, d'est. On a loffe un peu, pour etre sur de ne pas louper Kiritimati, et il y a un courant d'environ 1 noeud, qui nous porte au Sud-Sud-Ouest, pas vraiment notre route...
On a commence la nuit avec 2 ris dans la grand'voile, trinquette, yankee, puis artimon, yankee, trinquette, puis 1 ris dans l'artimon, yankee, trinquette, et finalement, juste les deux focs, yankee et trinquette.
La grand'voile est de nouveau en l'air ce matin, avec deux ris.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Heading North/Cap au nord

Still heading north, we had a fast ride last night, wind was blowing around 5 or 6 Beaufort.
It dropped a bit this morning.

Toujours cap au nord, on a ete vite la nuit derniere, le vent soufflait 5 a 6 Beaufort.
C'est un peu tombe ce matin.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Starbuck Latitude/Latitude de Starbuck

We are at the latitude of Starbuck Island (not the coffee...), it's about 150 miles upwind.
Far too much for us to see anything of this uninhabited little piece of stone in the ocean.
The counter-current we had so far seems to weaken, the sea is much nicer.

On est a la latitude de l'ile Starbuck, elle est environ 150 milles au vent.
Beaucoup trop loin pour qu'on puisse voir quoi que ce soit de ce caillou perdu dans l'ocean.
Le contre-courant qu'on avait jusqu'alors semble faiblir, la mer est bien plus agreable.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

On the road again

We left Tongareva this morning, the anchorage was beginning to become dangerous...
We're making north! There is some sea... But we are progressing well, beam reaching.

On a quitte Tongareva ce matin, le mouillage n'etait pas tenable...
On fait du nord! Il y a de la mer... Mais on progresse bien, au travers.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We arrived this morning (Tuesday) in Tongareva.
We anchored first outside the lagoon, to check out the pass, and get the boat ready after the last night.
We crossed the pass at 9:30 am. It is narrow and it is seriously breaking on the sides.
Some piloting leads us in the lagoon, in Gudgeon Bay, in front of the village of Omoka. There is about 200 people leaving there; but we got the visit of the immigration and agriculture officers pretty quickly; the health one is still to come, we've not seen him yet (maybe he's sick).

On est arrive ce matin (mardi) a Tongareva.
On a d'abord mouille en dehors du lagon, pour voir un peu la passe, et preparer le bateau apres cette derniere nuit.
On a traverse la passe a 9:30 ce matin. C'est etroit, et ca brise serieusement sur les cotes.
Un peu de pilotage nous a mene dans le lagon, a Gudgeon Bay, devant le village d'Omoka. Il y a environ 200 habitants ici ; mais on a eu la visite officiers de l'immigration et de l'agriculture rapidement ; l'officier de sante n'est pas encore venu (peut-etre qu'il est malade).

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Slow day clam night/Journ=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9?=e lente nuit calme

The wind was light all day yesterday, and the beginning of the night was very calm too.
We were doing between 3 and 5 knots, sometimes less than 3...
We are definitely not going to make landfall on Monday. Maybe Tuesday, as the wind came back from the North-East at 1:30 am, bringing us back to a steady 6 knots of boat speed.
But that still may change, we'll see!

Le vent a ete leger toute la journee hier, et le debut de la nuit a ete tres calme aussi.
On marchait entre 3 et 5 noeuds, parfois moins de 3...
On ne risque pas de toucher terre lundi. Peut-etre mardi, car le vent est revenu du nord-est a 1:30 ce matin, nous ramenant a une vitesse de 6 noeuds.
Mais ca peut encore changer, on verra!

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Beyond mid-way/Pass=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9?= mi-chemin

We've passed mid-way yesterday; but the wind dropped a bit, we're not going as fast as before.
That's all right, the conditions are still pleasant.

On a passe la mi-chemin hier, mais le vent est tombe un peu, on ne va plus aussi vite que precedemment.
C'est pas grave, les conditions sont toujours bien agreables.

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

En route

Still progressing in nice conditions. Pilot is driving all the time, and we've not even touched the sheets yesterday.

On progresse toujours dans de bonnes conditions. Le pilote barre sans arret, on n'a meme pas touche les ecoutes hier.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

En route

Almost one day, and very good conditions, reaching right on the route.
Night was very clear, with many stars.

Deja presque un jour, et de tres bonnes conditions, au petit largue, pile sur la route.
La nuit a ete tres claire, avec plein d'etoiles.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Leaving Bora-Bora/Depart de Bora-Bora

We should be leaving Bora-Bora today, heading for Tongareva in the Northern Cook Islands.
That would also mean that we leave French Polynesia. It should take us about 5 days to get there.

On devrait quitter Bora-Bora aujourd'hui, pour Tongareva, dans les Cook du nord. Ca veut dire aussi qu'on quitte la Polynesie francaise. Ca devrait nous prendre environ 5 jours pour aller la-bas.