It works. Even the communication with the Icom cloning cable is working.
Below an example of the NAVTEX output we get.
The code is available at GoogleCode.
Don Pedro d'Alfaroubeira is a sailing boat, a 42' ketch, based in the San Francisco Bay Area (Half Moon Bay).
Misc Sailing trips and various navigation techniques.
Baud Rate: 57600 bpsNotice the RTS/CTS in, that remains unchecked.
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
parity : none
RTS/CTS in [ ]
RTS/CTS out [x]
XON/XOFF in [ ]
XON/XOFF out [ ]
RTS : [x]
CTS : [ ]
DSR : [ ]
CD : [ ]
DTR : [x]
RI : [ ]