Saturday, April 26, 2008

From the ketch

Having a nice little sail for the week-end, anchored in China Camp for now.
That's also a test to see how we can use this kind of emails during the future trip.

radio email processed by SailMail
for information see:

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dustlets in a JFrame

I've reworked the Dustlet classes by Nick Thompson to integrate the Dustlets in the program. Now, it is running in a modal dialog box. That should fix the refresh problem that was showing up from time to time in the applet version.
Dustlet animation (across all the predictions of the GRIB) is available too. A must!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

More patterns

There is now a page where you can get new or updated patterns.
I will keep updating it.
The last one is a 4 layer one, superimposing 500mb charts, current analysis, and 24, 48 and 96 hour predictions.
Also, I'm reworking the setup; it is now creating a group of programs (on Windows...), that makes it easier to use. The Console remains though.